Shimmer & Shine - #TRT

Photo Credit: InStyle

Photo Credit: InStyle

When it comes to beauty trends, it's all happening. One day we're working on our bare skin and the next, we're layering on opaque glitter shades. If it feels hard to keep up, don't worry. When it comes to glow, we've got you covered.

Photo Credit: Fashionisers

Photo Credit: Fashionisers

There's no denying the bare, dewy-faced trend. There's no doubt this trend played a part in the skincare and masking trend, as well. With brands like Glossier boasting makeup that looks like your real skin, we're all feeling the pressure to perfect our faces. Your Facebook feed likely can't go a day without someone sharing an article about the benefits of drinking water. Even supermodel, Gigi Hadid revealed her mom's biggest piece of beauty advice is to stay hydrated. Let's consider natural glow stage one of this trend. (This is going to escalate quickly so please fasten your seatbelts.)

Photo Credit: Pinterest, Beauty by Becci, Pinterest

Photo Credit: Pinterest, Beauty by Becci, Pinterest

Phase two undoubtedly centers around the hype of highlight and luminizer. Shiny cheekbones and nose bridges are everywhere these days. Every brand has their version of this shiny substance, but a couple industry favorites are Cover FX Enhancer Drops and Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick. Okay, okay, now I get to mention my favorite part of this trend. Lid lacquer is the best thing that's ever happened to my face. I mean, do you see Beyonce's shiny lids (above, right). Or those shiny lids on the left? This trend is changing smoky eyes around the world, making them pop with natural light and gloss that was previously only reserved for lips. Our lip gloss isn't just poppin' anymore. Our eyes are, too. (Sorry about that terrible joke but also I stand by it.)

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Photo Credit: Pinterest

So, remember when I said lid lacquer was my favorite part of this trend? Well, I lied. Or, at least it ties with phase three. Enter the final phase: full-on glitter. The look is so popular, brands like NYX have even made primers specifically for glitter. And ya know what, I bought it. (It works, okay!?) From brows to eyeliner and lips to collarbones, i's New Year's Eve year-round, y'all. And I couldn't be more behind this trend.  So, here's to 2017. Whether it's your natural mask glow or Pat McGrath's Metalmorphosis, shine on.

Emily Kealey